Thursday, August 30, 2018

    Young Love? Fake Love.

You know, I really hate it when people say that teenagers can’t fall in love. 

It’s absolutely ridiculous for a (questionably) able-minded adult to feel at teenage love. I mean, really? Is there some point in life when suddenly you forget what it once was to be young? “*POOF*, you’re an adult! Congratulations, you miraculously have a newer, more mature and all-knowing view on life! Now go and tell all those little youngsters what life is REALLY about, and how they have no idea what’s going on!”

Uhm, no. For some strange reason, I don’t think that’s what happens.

See, I think it happens like this: as teenagers – and yes, I include myself in this group whole-heartedly – we believe that we know everything. Once we’ve experienced something once, suddenly we know anything and everything that could possibly relate to this subject, and anything that could remotely relate to those subjects. We think we know things that we’ve seen in movies, read in books, heard about on Facebook. Yes, we are a very curious – and yes, we do deserved to be smacked upside the head every once and a while. We ARE young; we are going to make mistakes. (Doesn’t everyone?) But just because we don’t know absolutely everything about people and how things work doesn’t mean we can’t learn. It doesn’t mean we can’t understand. It doesn’t mean we can’t have true, real knowledge, experience, and emotions about things. 

This is where I think most adults get lost. “What? Teenagers knowing what they are talking about? There isn’t a certain age that you reach that suddenly allows you to truly feel and experience and understand. There isn’t a magic word. There isn’t some secret ritual. Call me crazy, but last time I checked it’s called GROWING UP. We are in the stage where we aren’t kids anymore, but we aren’t adults. We’re too young to understand, but not to old to do so. Too dumb to learn, too wild to attempt to teach. It’s ridiculous the restraints put on us as teenagers; do you adults remember your “rebellious” stage when you were young? When everything your parents said was bull, and everyone was out to get you because you were so uncomfortable in your own skin? That’s where we are now. That’s where you all are making it so much more difficult for us to live, where we are stunted in our growth because faith in us is a rare gift to find.

Anyway – focus, back to my original point. Love. This goes right along with the rest of what I’ve said exactly – there is no age where falling in love is appropriate, or right, or even sane. Falling in love isn’t a rational thing; when it’s real, it’s completely psychotic. (Did you know in the first stages of love – that stage when you can’t stop thinking about them, the honeymoon stage – that a scan of your brain would look eerily similar to that of a clinically insane person? Food for thought.) When you truly love a person, it changes you forever. For good or bad, that’s really up to you – but they’ll change you, alright. No stopping that, no matter how old you are. And yet – though the effects of love are the same, no matter your age – older people seem to think that teenagers can’t fall in love. Period. “You’re too young! You have no idea what love is!” 

So…when exactly are we supposed to figure it out? Is there a magic birthday that we hit that suddenly gives us insight to what love is? 

I don’t THINK so. (Guess I can’t be positive on that one, can I?)

The way I see it, love isn’t something that can be taught. You can explain and describe to your heart’s content; you’re not going to be able to explain it any better than I could. Until you’ve experienced it yourself, there is no damn way you’re going to be able to understand. It’s like trying to explain to a blind person what the color green is – it’s not possible. It’s just not. And yet, despite this conundrum, I’m sure there are plenty of teenagers who could better describe what love truly is than adults. 

Now, a lot of people - *adults, excuse me – will think this whole spiel was a waste of time. It didn’t change your outlook, didn’t affect you at all – I’m just another love struck teenager. (For your information, I am currently not love struck as I am writing this. Not even heart broken. Though I have been in both places, one a fair time longer than the other. Can you guess which? I’ll give you a hint: it starts with a “I’m” and ends with a “still scared to commit to a guy in case he tramples all over me like the last one”.) And I’ll admit, there are flaws to my argument; teenagers are more prone to faking love than adults. (However, faking love does happen quite a bit in the adult race as well. Quite a bit more than most would like to admit.) But, flawed or not, I unreservedly believe in love at any age – and I think you would do well to do the same. 

But then again, I’m just a teenager. What do I know, right?

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Love-The General Agenda

Love makes us happy forever provided it should not be practiced with selfish motive.
Love is a noble feeling which cannot be expressed in simple words such as- parent’s divine love towards their children, teacher’s love for their students etc.The power of love can create miracles. Love can create unity among nations and its citizens. Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. Love has given different meaning by different people depending upon how they have experienced this wonderful feeling.
Love is unconditional and selfless. Love knows no boundaries. Love may happen among sisters, brothers, friends, siblings, parents, neighbors, pet, relatives, partners etc. You are always available for the person whom you love.
Love makes you to do the best things for your loved ones to make them feel happy & proud about themselves. When you love someone you accept their weakness too and love them for whatever they are. Love has no specific meaning. Love is the most important aspect of an individual’s life. Love also carries harsh feelings sometimes but still it is considered as one of the best feeling in the world. Lack of love in relationships may result in aggression, quarrels, war, divorce among husband and wife.
Love has multiple meanings. Love can also happen with an object. For instance, many people love their cars, bikes, laptops, I-pods and other valuable objects. Every individual express his/ her love in his/ her own unique way. Some express love through their actions while some show it through actions. Love is treasured forever.
Teenagers can’t stop themselves from falling in love. They can’t stop themselves from thinking about the person to whom they are attracted to. Falling in love is easy because it starts when you are attracted towards someone. But living it up is difficult because love involves commitments and sacrifices too. Love is not limited to just a feeling, but it is a way to treat others with care, respect and affection. Love is followed by tenderness, passion and devotion.
So trust the people who love you. Be happy with them. Give something to them in return. Make them feel happy too. Care for them. Love them back. Protect them if required.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Being Alone
Once again I am lying here on my bed staring aimlessly up at the ceiling. My ears are focused on the fan  hum as they have been so many nights before. The covers are pulled tightly to my throat, cloaking my body as an armor. I wonder to myself why this is all of a sudden my life. Nobody ever told me, or at least I never thought living could be so difficult.
It seems like only yesterday that I was growing up at home, playing, smiling, and basking in the love and adoration of my family and friends. I was always laughing, joking, and enjoying every detail of life. It seems there were no bad days back then.
Sometimes I recall and dwell upon the ignorant happiness that youth dictated.
I wish that I had seized my childhood memories more carefully instead of letting them flow from my mind like a thief in the night. Suddenly, I realize and am awaken to the fact that I am twenty years old, alone and lonely. Sometimes I am overcome and fear the coming of tomorrow. “Is this all there is?” I quietly ask myself.

I ask myself why this lifestyle has befallen me. Am I not a good person? Have I wronged someone? Have I maybe hurt someone and this is my punishment? Never in all my life have I felt like this. The harder I try to answer my questions, the more further away the answer seems to run and hide from me, like children playing catch me if you can, or hide and go seek. This lifestyle is not of my liking or my choosing.
In the not too distant past, my life was that of a perfect picture, a flawless work of art. There was the family, the house, and the entire fulfillment and responsibility of it all. Then like a lightning flash one cold day in December it disappeared, disintegrating before my very eyes. A shattered life now replaces what was once a promising future for all concerned. Sorting out, picking up and piecemealing a new life together best describes my newfound existence. 
Being defeated and broken by this test of life is not an option I consider or give place to. There is a reason we as human beings face different trials in our lives. Quite possibly there is a master plan for all of us. We all face situations, circumstances, and events in our lives that are not to our liking, choosing, or understanding. In my situation, I am not to question why…. I am but to do or die. No, I didn’t coin that phrase. No applause please. I heard that phrase somewhere. It speaks volumes to be such a short order of words.
There are many people I have found from all walks of life that share my circumstances; both men, women, young, and old alike. I do find some peace and comfort in knowing that I am not alone or indifferent in my struggle. Others do share the same burden.
"But You Can Choose Your Friend"
was reminded of the old saying that "you cannot choose your family but you can choose your friends." What reminded me of the old saying was the fact that we spent few days with old friends. All of us were impressed and pleased by how comfortable and relaxed we felt. There was no need to pretend, compete, or even be careful about our behavior with one another. We discussed personal, family and health problems in addition to reminiscing about "old times." The warmth and closeness we experienced is what one expects to have when family members re-unite. There are people who are fortunate enough to have this type of closeness with family. However, for the rest of us, family experiences are far from pleasant.
Family relationships are often fraught with long and bitter histories made up of resentments, jealousies, rivalries, secretes and unresolved issues, none of which ever is discussed. With this background of experience, many people visit family as part of a sense of obligation rather than pleasure. Whether the length of the visit is a day, week or month, people come away with a renewed sense of anger and resentment.
But, Old Friends?
It should be needless to remind everyone that the same types of dynamics that afflict family members can afflict friendships.
However, friendships that have been for a long time have also weathered the "slings and arrows of misguided fortune." Old friendships are "tried and true" and that is what makes them special. Because friendships are not bound by blood but they last because people choose to maintain those relationships. In other words, there are no obligations between friends of the type and variety that cause relatives to deal with each other whether they want to or not. Therefore, friendship relationships are relaxed, joking, and wonderfully informal rather than being driven by guilt and moral commitment.

Therefore, I want to thank my old friends for spending a week with me at their house while we were vacationing. What a delicious experience; to be on vacation and with old friends at the very same time.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Friendship A Boon or a Curse

Friendship is that purest form of relationship which exists between every nest relationship. In fact all the relationships of the world begin with the purest form of friendship but when talking about a friend they have a special place in your life. It's indeed a matter of luck to have a truthful friend! True friendship is the unique gift that we get from God and it makes life a beautiful celebration. It is our friends who make life a pleasurable journey by making it an easier and joyous one. They will never ever laugh at any of your mistakes while they will suggest you on making improvements on the same.
Even though your friend is involved in a schedule busy enough to get time for anything, they will find time for their friends to help them in their difficult times. Friendship is one precious possession which can neither be bought nor be sold. The essence of friendship germinates from the heart and it can be ended the day it starts depending on the materialistic possessions. It is to be noted that true friends are the actual happiness of our life.
Real friend are the one who will never forget their friends and will keep supporting no matter what. Each one of us gets problems in our lives every now and then and we need people around to support us emotionally and morally in the times of distress. In this regard our friends are the people who will keep guiding you.

We all know that real friendship is a very valuable gift for all of us. We human beings are social animals and we cannot live our life alone and we need people around with whom we can talk our insecurities elaborately so as to lead to a useful solution. It's a fact that we get attracted towards people who we need more in our live and who listen to what we have to with us to share. Friendship is one such relationship where the highest level of trust and intimacy exits. It is the most comfortable zone where we feel a sense of being in the shade of love.

Friendship can be between any two people who can belong to any age, caste, creed, gender and any social status. God is the one who makes us lucky enough to get a couple of true friends and makes our life a celebration. All of us need the company of some friends who can be with them for the whole life and creating cheerfulness in their lives. One of the best examples of friendship is that of the story of Krishna and Sudama. They were the best epitome of friendship.

There are many people out there who make friends looking at the social status and the amount of money they have. People who think like that can never be real friends and they will never ever support you in any phase of life. They are the people who will leave their friends in bad times. So, we should judiciously choose friends in our life so that there isn't any point of being disillusioned.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A Letter To The Mom Who Left Far Too Soon.....

Dear Mother,
As I get older, my memories are starting to fade. I try to cling to every last bit of memory that I have of you. There are certain memories that have stuck well in my brain, and I probably will never forget them, at least I hope I don't. I remember your smile and your laugh. I can still remember how your voice sounded. I never want to forget that. I catch myself closing my eyes to try to remember it, playing your voice over and over in my head so that I can ingrain it in my memory.
I always thought you were invincible, incapable of leaving me. You were so young, and it caught us all by surprise. You were supposed to grow old, die of old age. You were not supposed to be taken away so soon. You were supposed to see me graduate high school and college, get married to the love my life, be there when my kids are born, and never ever leave.
My heart was broken when I heard the news. I don't think I had experienced a pain to that level in my entire life. At first, I was in denial, numb to the thought that you were gone. It wasn't until Thanksgiving, then I realized you weren't coming back. Holidays are not the same anymore. In fact, I almost avoid them. They don't have that happy cheer in the air like they did when you were there. There is a sadness that hangs in the air because we are all thinking silently how we wished you were there. I hope when I am older and have kids that some of that holiday spirit comes back.
You know what broke my heart the most though? It was seeing your child, my parent, cry uncontrollably. I watched them lose their mom, and I saw the pain that it caused. It scared me, Mom, because I don't ever want to lose them like how they lost you. I can't imagine a day without my mom or dad. I still see the pain that it causes and how it doesn't go away. There are good days and there are bad days. I always get upset when I see how close people are to their parents and that they get to see them all the time. I hope they realize how lucky they are and that they never take it for granted. I wish I could have seen you more so that I could have more memories to remember you by.
I know though that you are watching over me. That is where I find comfort in the loss. I know that one day I will get to see you again, and I can't wait for it. I hope I have made you proud. I hope that all that I have accomplished and will accomplish makes you smile.
I want to say thank you for raising your child to be the best parent ever because they will one day be the best parents ever. Just like you.

Saturday, August 11, 2018


There comes that moment in all of our loves when we feel like completely giving up, when nothing seems to go the way we planned, and the future looks bleak at best. In times like these, we cannot help but feel that there cannot reason to keep on trying; after all, what is the point in working on something when you know it is going to be futile in the end? But to be fair, it is never a good idea to just give up, not until you have given of your best into the situation.

  • There is nothing to say that success will come to you at the very first attempt. Sometimes, you have to struggle for years before you can reach the place you aimed for. There will be multiple setbacks on the way, and if you give up every time you encounter a roadblock, it will be impossible to ever achieve anything. So, you must keep trying in order to make it in the end, and the taste of success will be even sweeter.
  • If you give up after your first failure, you will know what you did wrong, but you will never learn the right way to do things. Every time you make a mistake and fail to achieve your goal, you will know one more thing that should not be done. This way, by process of elimination alone, you will keep getting closer to your goal, and finally arrive at a foolproof way to get things done.
  • f you give up on your goal after a single try, or without trying at all, you will never know the right way of doing things. Failures tell us that we are doing something wrong, forcing us to change track and learn new things in the process. We have to stay updated if we are to hang on to our dreams, because there is no point in doing the same thing and repeating our mistakes.
  • When we are used to working hard to succeed, we tend to become self confident and dependent on ourselves. We do not need to rely on anyone else to do the job for us, because we are quite certain that we are ourselves quote capable of handling it on our own. Since we don’t give up on our dreams, we have no regrets, and no one needs to help us out along the way.

Friday, August 3, 2018

The Role of Mothers

The word mother itself is symbolic to God. The day you conceived and then open your eyes for the first time in this world, the one person that poured all the love and affection she holds in her heart is the mother.
What she does for a child since the day he arrives can’t be done by anyone else. Nurturing to the best, loving without any condition, taking care, teaching how to walk, talk and telling the basics of life since the childhood are some of the roles that can’t be performed well by anyone other than a mother.
A mother undoubtedly plays the most vital role in our overall development. Her importance and significance in our life are superlative to all other possessions. No matter how much you succeed the one working and praying behind the scene for you is always a mother.
Promising you to give the best things possible at her end, she is the one to be thanked for making you what you are today. Her unconditional love and devotion are incomparable to everything else in this world. And when it comes to dedicate one day in the year just to her, it should be made as special as she is in our lives. But those are special who have mother.The bond between a mother and a child can be best relished on the occasion of Mother s' Day.

An Unexpected Surprise

Life is full of unexpected surprises. There are many opportunities when one can secretly wish for something exciting to happen – something...