Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The General Agenda 'Frustration'

In-spite of the amenities of civilization and around development in every sphere of human life, life is not and had never been a bed of roses.
In a remarkably complex and complicated world of today, the organism is constantly subjected to a rich varieties of needs and demands from the moment of birth.
Frustration is a key concept of both academic and clinical psychology. As a matter of fact, everybody is subjected to some amount of frustration during his life time. Frustration is not some thing which occurs rarely and it should never be considered a sign of misfortune. Life comprises a series of needs and activities directed towards meeting them.

A man has lost his way in the woods and the water supply runs out. He is feeling hungry. But there is no food to eat and satisfy his hunger and so he is frustrated. As his hunger becomes acute and is intensified, the degree of frustration increases and the need becomes stronger and stronger, but there is no means to satisfy the need.
The most common example of frustration is when person who fails to marry his sweet heart or when a sex pervert is obstructed while going to rape a small girl, experiences severe frustration due to the inability to reach the goal or need because of some interference or obstruction.
A baby’s ball has gone over the garden of a neighbor and is out of reach of the baby. The fence acts as a barrier which frustrates the baby’s effort to get back the possession of the ball. Thus, by and large, when the goal oriented behaviour suffers interference or blocking it leads to frustration. In other words, when satisfaction of an existing need is blocked or obstructed or interfered with, there is frustration.

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