Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The General Agenda 'Frustration'

In-spite of the amenities of civilization and around development in every sphere of human life, life is not and had never been a bed of roses.
In a remarkably complex and complicated world of today, the organism is constantly subjected to a rich varieties of needs and demands from the moment of birth.
Frustration is a key concept of both academic and clinical psychology. As a matter of fact, everybody is subjected to some amount of frustration during his life time. Frustration is not some thing which occurs rarely and it should never be considered a sign of misfortune. Life comprises a series of needs and activities directed towards meeting them.

A man has lost his way in the woods and the water supply runs out. He is feeling hungry. But there is no food to eat and satisfy his hunger and so he is frustrated. As his hunger becomes acute and is intensified, the degree of frustration increases and the need becomes stronger and stronger, but there is no means to satisfy the need.
The most common example of frustration is when person who fails to marry his sweet heart or when a sex pervert is obstructed while going to rape a small girl, experiences severe frustration due to the inability to reach the goal or need because of some interference or obstruction.
A baby’s ball has gone over the garden of a neighbor and is out of reach of the baby. The fence acts as a barrier which frustrates the baby’s effort to get back the possession of the ball. Thus, by and large, when the goal oriented behaviour suffers interference or blocking it leads to frustration. In other words, when satisfaction of an existing need is blocked or obstructed or interfered with, there is frustration.

Monday, July 30, 2018

The Obstacle in our Path

There once was a very wealthy and curious king. This king had a huge boulder placed in the middle of a road. Then he hid nearby to see if anyone would try to remove the gigantic rock from the road.
The first people to pass by were some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers. Rather than moving it, they simply walked around it. A few loudly blamed the King for not maintaining the roads. Not one of them tried to move the boulder.
Finally, a peasant came along. His arms were full of vegetables. When he got near the boulder, rather than simply walking around it as the others had, the peasant put down his load and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. It took a lot of effort but he finally succeeded.
The peasant gathered up his load and was ready to go on his way when he say a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The peasant opened the purse. The purse was stuffed full of gold coins and a note from the king. The king’s note said the purse’s gold was a reward for moving the boulder from the road.
The king showed the peasant what many of us never understand: every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

The Pillars of Success : Failure

Man is destined to face challenges in life. Life is not a bed of roses. Obstacles and difficulties are bound to come in the way.All desire for success. However, everybody doesn’t succeed in achieving his goals. Failures are a part of our lives. But one who keeps on striving is crowned with success, eventually.
Success is the result of hard work, firm determination and dedication. Sometimes, the attempt proves to be a failure. But failure is a natural phenomenon. It carries a treasure of invaluable experience. Success and failure are two facets of the same coin.
Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Failure teaches us a lot. It reveals our weakness that must be overcome. It informs us about the problem areas in our work. It guides and inspires us to put in more effort. It reveals the weakness of our planning. It gives us strength to act more decisively. We come to know about our limitations. It gives us a guideline for future course of action. Failure, thus prepares a person to go for the next endeavor with better chance of success.
A man who has not tasted failure doesn’t know of success. He becomes too self assured and easy going. Most great men achieved success only after a long battle with failures. They learnt from their failures.
One who has met with failure needn’t invest same amount of labor as invested in one’s maiden attempt. He is merely required to analyze the ways he has adopted. Success without failure is seldom possible. Failure shouldn’t stop us living life well. It is always possible to live your best life despite the odds and hardship.  Living well is the revenge to the failure.
Fortunes favors the brave. And the brave is one who gets ahead, overcomes his failures and achieves his goal. We should keep our priorities before us, concentrate on them fully, do the consistent efforts and then we will see that every thing is falling on its right place. Failures, thus, act as a ray of hope. In cases of failures, one should not be scared of the comments and criticism of the people.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

What No One Tells You About

Over the last month or so, I’ve lost my best friend due to lies. I’ve never really talked to anyone about it either, but maybe I should have. Maybe all my feelings wouldn’t be bunched up inside me waiting to spew out at any given moment. I can’t help but think about all the good times we had with each other, now all I do when I think about it is cry. I try to think of the positive for being without him. But there’s nothing good about not having him here. I feel like I can’t tell anyone anything anymore because I just don’t trust them. 
Sometimes, I wish I never even went to turnabout just so I didn’t lose her. But, it was a chance I was willing to take. And now, I have a friend who is there for me 100% of the time and I know he will never hurt me. He hasn’t hurt me in 11 years; I think it’s safe to say that he will be here for me until the end. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to trust someone like I did before but I’m going to try my hardest. Sometimes bad things happen so better things can fall into place. Sure, I’ll be pretty upset for a while, but that’s what’s expected when you lose someone you’ve been best friends with since you were 10. Even thinking about the whole situation makes me want to cry, but I need to stay strong through it all. There is nothing I can do to change the past even if I really wanted to.
When I regret something I did, I just remember not to make the same mistake the next time and try my hardest to make everything better. Through this entire process I’ve found out that I have some acquaintances that were never really my friends, but then again, I found out that I have some really great friends that I can count on forever. Even if it isn’t who I thought it would be, at least you have someone. You will always have someone who is your friend no matter what you have done to screw things up with other people. I’ve learned to keep your friends close because they’re one of the most important things you can have.

Reasons to Smile

Life is one huge emotional mind game. There are days we wake up with an empty heart wondering if we’re even going to make it. We get beaten to the ground over and over again, we get our hope torn from us, we scream at the top of our lungs to the sky hoping that the moon will fill the void that still remains.. But somehow through all the pain, through all the suffering.. These moments never compare to the seconds that take our breath away. The situations given to us that remind us of how beautiful life can be. Let go.. Detach yourself.. There’s too much beauty to quit. I live for moments like these… WE live for moments like this.

We All Make Mistakes

I believe that we all make mistakes and end up learning from them. Everybody makes mistakes in this world, whether it’s a professional athlete or the President, it’s just a fact of life. Not one person is perfect so therefore, along the line everyone is going to make a bad decision or do something they really didn’t think they should have. But the biggest thing about making mistakes, is learning from them, to not do the same thing again, and just gaining knowledge about something. If everybody just went and made mistake after mistake, it wouldn’t seem right would it? I have heard this phrase “we learn from our mistakes” probably the most from my parents. Learning from a mistake could be something way more major in life like a teenager trying drugs or alcohol. The teenager sees all their friends and other peers drinking or doing drugs at some party, and think, it’s what everyone else is doing here so I might as well do it too. So after they end up getting drunk or high and decide to get into a vehicle and drive home, that’s when their mistake has already began. They could end up getting into an accident because they are under the influence, or just get in trouble with the law. That’s why I believe you learn from your mistakes, because if this would happen to just about any teenager, they probably wouldn’t make the same mistake again, by drinking and driving under the influence, especially if they got in an accident and put their lives or someone else’s life in jeopardy just for a few drinks. I believe that if we didn’t learn from our mistakes, there would be so many things wrong in the world, and nothing would have developed or ever got discovered or invented, because I know for a fact whoever invented the computer and other people who updated them didn’t get it all right the first try, and had to make mistakes to learn and grow from them to help them succeed.

Looking Back

Sometimes pain is so unmanageable that the idea of spending another day with it seems impossible. Other times pain acts as a compass to help you through the messier tunnels of growing up. But pain can only help you find happiness if you remember it.  

An Unexpected Surprise

Life is full of unexpected surprises. There are many opportunities when one can secretly wish for something exciting to happen – something...